Kumi Yamashita mencoba 'bermain cahaya'. Dengan menggunakan alumunium dan lampu, ia mampu menciptakan bayangan yang unik. Gambar di bawah memperlihatkan bagaimana selempeng aluminium dapat menghasilkan bayangan sepasang kekasih. Karya seni yang hebat!
Clouds (2005). Light, Alumunium, Shadow. Permanent display at the 3rd floor of Stelar Place Saporo JR Tower.
City View (2003) – Light, Aluminum, Shadow. Permanent display at the 2nd floor of Nanba Parks Tower, Osaka, Japan.
Origami (2005). Light, Aluminum, Shadow. A light is cast on the right side of the wall over each color sheet, which forms shadows of faces.
Exclamation Point (1995), wood, light, cast shadow.
Right: Building Blocks (1997) Light, wood, Shadow. Left: Lovers (1998), aluminum sheet, light, cast shadow.
Feather (2006). Light, Wood, Shadow. Permanent display at Akiru Minicipal Medical Center, Tokyo Japan.
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